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  • Gbay Gals

Fall 2020 Charity Announcement: The Guesthouse Shelter

Thank you to everyone that participated in our charity nomination and voting! The Gbay Gals have decided that our Fall VIRTUAL Social Event (Oct. 19th at 5:30pm) will donate to The Guesthouse Shelter in Midland. We would like to share the lovely message received from the shelter upon our announcement:

"Dear Gbay Gals,

From everyone at The Guesthouse Shelter, we offer our most sincere and humble thanks to all the fabulous members of the Gbay Gals Give!

You didn't simply give a donation, you gave real hope to real people who are struggling in our community by helping ensure they continue to receive the help they need during and after COVID-19, as well as support to prepare our shelter for their safe return once we are cleared to reopen on-site housing and services.

Donations may be made to The Guesthouse in several ways:

  • Visit our website,, and clicking the DONATE HERE button. Once redirected to our Canada Helps’ donation page, please specify that it is a Gbay Gals Give donation by choosing ‘Gbay Gals Give’ on the drop-down FUND box.

  • Make a donation by cheque to “The Guesthouse Shelter”, at 522 Elizabeth Street, Midland Ontario, L4R 2A1.

  • Cash donations can be made in person by emailing to arrange a time to meet.

  • We would also love to show you our facility, however unfortunately it is currently closed to the public, so let us know if you would like us to contact you when we reopen so you can get a chance to see our shelter and community hub!

Thank you again, Gratefully, The team at The Guesthouse Shelter"

We would like to have all the donations in before October 7th. If you are sending a cheque please consider sending it early. Our goal is to celebrate the total donation at our virtual event. More news on our event in the next email.  Thank you to all our Gbay Gals.  Nathan at “The Guesthouse” just reminded us how important a contribution we are making to this community. Your Gbay Gals Give Committee

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