October 23, 2023
This fall the Gbay Gals Give group did a split donation, The deserving charaties were the Georgian Bay Cancer Support Centre and the Midland Salvation Army, Special thanks to The Boathouse Eatery team for generously donating their wonderful space and loads of munchies for everyone to enjoy. A total of $45,725.00 was raised! All the Gals had a great time!
May 29, 2023
This was Gbay Gals Give's 10th Event! The Penetanguishene Legion generously donated their space for us to come together to celebrate. Our chosen charity this time was the Georgian Bay General Hospital. Our donations will go towards an MRI. A total of $44,900.00 was raised out largest number yet! We celebrated with delicious Cupcakes!
October 30, 2022
It's great to see funds raised being put to great use. From Cathy Greer, Executive Director Community Reach North Simcoe:
I wanted to update you with some information on us since receiving your donations. We have been able to put signage up on the road leading to our driveway. This has been on the wish list for some time.
We have also had to have a huge repair done to one of our vans and if it wasn’t for the GBGG funds we might have been in trouble. The number of requests for rides are increasing steadily especially now that more things are opening up with the onset of fall. New tires for the safe winter driving has been one of the absolute needs that we have had and thanks again to GBGG we have been able to outfit our little fleet.
We are definitely planning on more fundraising in the spring for an additional van as the requests continue to grow. Some of your funds will go towards this purchase I am sure.
It has been wonderful to receive such gifts from GBGG and know that each dollar has/is going to directly support our services to help our vulnerable community members.
October 3, 2022
What a great fall get together supporting, for the first time and as a trial, a split between 2 charities of the funds being raised.
A huge thank you to Brooklea Golf and Country Club for hosting the event and also to Jenna Lorette, Linda Chaplin and Sharelle McArthur of "The Mortgage Centre" for the wonderful snacks.
May 30, 2022
The first social in a while. It was amazing to be able to get together in person and catch up.
The social and giving was successful in raising the most to date...$42,200 for Community Reach. A huge shout out to our members.
A special thank you to the Midland Golf and Country Club for hosting the event for the 2nd time. A special thank you also to Michelle Deschamps, Cathy Bayles and Jeff Holloway of RBC Dominion Securities for the delicious snacks. Stay tuned for the Fall social information.
August 27th, 2020
What a year it's been! It was with a very heavy heart that our Spring event was cancelled due to the spread of COVID-19, and we hope that in these difficult times you found a worthy cause to support in lieu if you were able to. We are thrilled to announce that we will be moving forward with our Fall event (OCTOBER 19th) - however this time it will be completely virtual! We are working out the details now and taking nominations for charities until September 1st, so don't delay if you haven't picked one yet. Stay tuned for more info!
October 22th, 2019
Another successful Gbay Gals Give Social was held last evening with over 100 Gbay Gals in attendance at the Oak Bay Golf & Country Club in Port Severn.
Kathy Willis on behalf of Huronia Transition Homes was there to receive the groups donation cheque of a whopping $38,550.00 and counting as the final donations get received.
A special thank you to Keir Smith and his team from Oak Bay for hosting the event. The funds that have been generously donated from Gbay Gals Give will help to fund Huronia Transition Homes Initiative to help women who are exiting Human Trafficking situations.
August 18th, 2019
It's time to announce the date and venue for our Fall Social to celebrate our last giving of 2019! Oak Bay in Port Severn is a beautiful venue that has been offered to us for our event! It will be just stunning with the Autumn colours!! We'll be there on October 21st at 5:30pm ready to donate to our chosen charity. Stay tuned for nominations!

May 30th, 2019
WOW is all we can say about last nights Spring Social! Our generous and caring members have raised $33,000+ for the Georgian Bay Cancer Support Centre! Stay tuned for more pictures and possibly a higher donation when all the $$ comes in!
"The Georgian Bay Cancer Support Centre is honored to be the recipients of this Spring Gbay Gals Give donation. This donation will assist us in reaching our goal of building A HOME FOR HOPE by the community, for the community. This generous donation will help build the first rural cancer support centre in Ontario and create a place for those living with cancer, their families and caregivers a place to call a ‘home away from home’."
May 6th, 2019
PLEASE NOTE VENUE CHANGE! Spring has not been in our favour so we are changing the venue for our Gbay Gals Give Spring Social to the Penetanguishene Curling Club! Same time, cash bar.
March 6th, 2019
We've just announced the venue for our Spring Gbay Gals Give Social! We'll be holding the social at the beautiful Georgian Queen! Penetanguishene’s former tour boat called the harbour home from 1975 to 2014, when the Serendipity Princess took over. It is now permanently docked at the Penetanguishene Town Dock and operates as a historic pub and stationary venue. They have graciously offered this beautiful boat for our social!
Our Spring Social will take place on Monday, May 27th, 2019. Nomination applications will be going out shortly and then voting will begin in early April. Please spread the word to any other incredible women that you think would love to be a part of this fantastic opportunity to give back to our community. It's never too late to join Gbay Gals Give!

October 16th, 2018
We just wrapped up another very successful social, this time raising money for the future building of Hospice Huronia! A huge shout out to the folks at PIE Wood Fired Pizza Joint for donating their perfect venue and all of the delicious snacks! Shows what a generous community we have. This enables 100% of the funds to go directly to the charity we voted for. Our first Social was back in June/18 - we have grown so much since then and so has our donation!! So far we have totalled $31,750 - with more to come from some members that couldn't make the event. Our next social will be in Spring 2019 - stay tuned for more information and email us to join if you want to be apart of it: gbaygalsgive@gmail.com. *Check out our gallery for more photos of last nights event!

September 24th, 2018
We are so excited to announce the winning charity for our October social: Hospice Huronia!
We contacted JoAnn Warren from Hospice Huronia with the news …
"Thank you for that wonderful news! We are so grateful to be the recipients of this fall’s GBay Gals Give donation. Gbay Gals Give do more than give … they make things happen and they will be moving us that much closer to our goal in building our residential hospice.
Donations may be made in advance of your October 15th meeting, online, if the donors wish – just go to our website, www.hospicehuronia.ca and click on the Donate Now orange button, then selecting one time payment. They can specify that it is a GBay Gals Give donation by clicking “other” and then typing in GBay Gals Give.
If they don’t like to donate online, they are welcome to call our office (705) 549-1034 and make a credit card donation over the phone. They could also stop by our office at 25 Jeffery Street and make their donation in person (cash, cheque, credit card) – we’d love to show them our plans.
We’ll be there at your meeting on October 15th and can accept cash or cheque donations at that time.
Thank you so much! We’ll see you on October 15th!"
So after we donate, the only thing left to do is celebrate!
We will see everyone October 15, 5:30 to 7:30 at the
PIE Wood Fired Pizza Joint, 837 King St. Midland.
Thank you to each and every Gbay Gal! See you on the 15th.
Stay tuned to see how much we can raise for Hospice Huronia!
The photo below was taken at the future building site!
We're very proud to help make this happen!

September 10th, 2018
The remainder of funds raised at our first social for GBGH have been used for their Adopt-a-Room project. Here is a photo of the presentation of the Gbay Gals Give plaque for helping to renovate one of the Georgian Bay General Hospital Rooms!

August 28th, 2018
The nominees are in for our October Social!
Quest Art Gallery
Boys and Girls Club of North Simcoe
Wendat Community Programs
Hospice Huronia
Sistema Huronia Music Academy
Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Simcoe
Community Reach
Georgian Bay Cancer Support Centre
Community Living Huronia
Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care
Gateway Centre for Learning
Maison Rosewood Shelter
Stay tuned for the opportunity to vote for one charity to be the beneficiary for our October Social.
Not a member yet? Email us to join! gbaygalsgive@gmail.com
August 8th, 2018
Georgian Bay General Hospital Foundation | August 8th, 2018
GBay Gals Give sees the results of their generosity first-hand
Local philanthropic group, Gbay Gals Give, recently visited Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) to see first-hand what the proceeds from their recent $24,000 donation purchased. With some of the funds, the hospital replaced an outdated piece of surgical equipment with new electrocautery equipment and a functional smoke evacuator – vital components for surgical procedures. The new equipment helps remove air contaminants caused during surgical procedures that cut, cauterize, or destroy tissue with heat-producing devices. The remainder of funds raised for GBGH is being directed to the Adopt-a-Room project to renovate and upgrade a room at the hospital.
GBay Gals Give is a group of local women dedicated to giving back their community through philanthropy. Meeting twice per year, each member contributes $200 per meeting and the money is directed to a local non-profit. The next social is taking place October 15 and the group is looking to add to its 142-person membership. For more information or to join, visit www.gbaygalsgive.com.
Checking out the new equipment in GBGH’s Ambulatory Care department are (from left) Gail Hunt, president and CEO, GBGH; Lyn Wolfhard, GBay Gals Give; Kathy Elsdon-Befort, interim executive director, GBGH Foundation and GBay Gals Give; Jennifer Lalonde, team lead, Ambulatory Care, GBGH; Theresa Hartley, manager, Ambulatory Care, GBGH; and Cathy Siekierko, GBay Gals Give.

August 1st, 2018
Gbay Gals Give is excited about our October 15th venue. The PIE Wood Fired Pizza Joint has generously offered their new restaurant for our Fall Social.
As of today, Gbay Gals Give is 142 members strong! In June we raised $24,000 for the Georgian Bay General Hospital. What a phenomenal start. Now it’s time for our members to nominate your favourite charity. The charity must be registered and the funds raised must stay in North
Tell your friends. Share us on Facebook. Visit the website, www.gbaygalsgive.com. But most importantly invite your friends to the October 15 th social. Invite them early. If they want to join, send their name and email address so they too can nominate and vote for their charity.
Email us at gbaygalsgive@gmail.com to become a member of Gbay Gals Give.